Saturday, 26 April 2014

#60days I volunteer as tribute!

(This is part of the script for my upcoming YouTube video. It does a nice job of summarizing the 60 Days In Paradise competition if you haven't read my other two posts/ don't know what this all is. Have a read.)

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! I’m top ten, I’m top ten, I’m top ten! The division of tourism in Tobago set up a competition to find The Island Connoisseur! A person who would travel to Tobago and spend the summer months doing all the fantastic things the island has to offer while sharing their adventures through social media. To enter the contest applicants had to create a 30 second video and write a bio about themselves explaining why they are the best person for the job. Mine can be seen here. There were over two-hundred applicants and the judges chose ME as one of the top ten! WOOHOOO! Now it is up to Canada to vote among us to decide who will become the Tobago Island Connoisseur. I am an upbeat, excited, sociable, enthusiastic, eager, gung-ho, rah-rah, can-do, psyched individual who would be perfect for this. Please visit and vote for MAXWELL MOULSON. There is no one quite like me and I guarantee I’m certainly Island Connoisseur material.

VOTE FOR MAXWELL MOULSON (you can vote twice!) 




Monday, 21 April 2014


Did you see the title? This is huge. This... is insane! Me?! Top Ten?! It feels like I played the lottery and now my odds went from one out of... well, whatever ridiculous number the lottery is out of, to one out of ten! I'm honoured, excited, amazed, happy, joyous, ecstatic, delighted, beaming, jolly, thrilled, exhilarated, and overjoyed! (In that order of course.) So, I guess the next step is to tell you all to... VOTE FOR MAXWELL MOULSON TO BECOME TOBAGO'S ISLAND CONNOISSEUR! 

Click the link to head on over to and search for MAXWELL MOULSON and remember you can vote twice! So vote MAXWELL MOULSON X2 !! Send me to Tobago for 60 amazing days!

**Each time the site is visited, the order of the videos change. Don't worry about that. Just search for MAXWELL MOULSON and click vote!**

60 days in paradise! 60 DAYS IN PARADISE! AH! I WANT IT SO BAD! Imagine! The accommodations! The activities! The sun! The food! The people! This is definitely the job for me!

#60days #60daysinparadise #top10 #topten #voteme #votemaxwellmoulson